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Unleash Innovation by Mastering the Experiment Mindset


In this era of constant disruption, the companies that thrive are the ones that innovate relentlessly. But how do you build a culture of unstoppable innovation? By transforming your organisation into a living lab of experimentation.


This high-impact keynote and hands-on workshop will equip you with the strategies to drive a pervasive culture of curiosity, testing, and intelligent risk-taking.




  • The game-changing mindsets that unleash breakthrough innovation

  • Powerful frameworks for rapid experimentation and validated learning

  • How to nurture an environment safe for failure, questions, and unconventional ideas

  • Best practices for testing, measuring, and pivoting faster than competitors

  • Proven techniques to make experimentation a habit across your organisation


Through immersive activities, real-world case studies, and an actionable toolbox, you'll gain the ability to hardwire a bias toward action over inertia. You'll empower your people to explore new boundaries, embrace ambiguity, and find new solutions to your biggest challenges.

Ronan Harrington Clients

Oliver Damgaard

Managing Director, HR TechX

"Ronan’s keynote was one of the stand out moments at our conference. A 500 person standing ovation and by all accounts, not a dry eye in the house."

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